Choosing the Right IP Security Camera

Choosing the Right IP Security Camera

There is something to be said for living with peace of mind -- knowing that your loved ones and prized possessions are safe in San Francisco, CA. One way to assure safety to both your home and business is to consider installing IP security cameras....Read More

Why Choose HD Surveillance Cameras

Why Choose HD Surveillance Cameras

Camera technology has gone through a revolution in recent years, and today you can cameras in all kinds of shapes and sizes with an almost endless list of features, camera modes, and quality levels. This includes all the different surveillance...Read More

Consider Getting Surveillance Cameras With Extra Features

Consider Getting Surveillance Cameras With Extra Features

When you take a look at the surveillance cameras you can buy for your San Francisco, CA home or business, you may be overwhelmed by the amount of options available. Dozens of brands offer hundreds of camera models, and each one offers its own list...Read More

4 Devices That Help Deter Burglars

4 Devices That Help Deter Burglars

Just like with health and home maintenance, the best kind of cure for home break-ins is prevention. In other words, it’s always more useful to prevent a burglary than it is to catch the burglar. That’s why so many security systems in San...Read More

The Top 4 Important Benefits of Security Camera Systems

The Top 4 Important Benefits of Security Camera Systems

Not so long ago, security camera systems were considered as a necessity only in commercial establishments. Back then, it seemed that having security cameras in a home was too drastic an impractical. True enough, installing security camera systems a...Read More

Using Your Home Security Camera Footage To Provide Evidence Of A Crime

Using Your Home Security Camera Footage To Provide Evidence Of A Crime

When a security camera catches a criminal in the act, your footage is doing its job. Your security camera can be used to provide evidence and craft police reports, ensuring that culprits are caught if you become a victim of their misdeeds. While...Read More

Security Cameras Can Improve A Warehouses Bottom Line

Security Cameras Can Improve A Warehouses Bottom Line

If you’re familiar with how a business operates, you know there are many ways for a company to lose money.  You need to buy equipment for your company, pay rent or buy a location, pay your employees’ wages, pay premiums on your...Read More

You Can Support Law Enforcement With Private Security Cameras

You Can Support Law Enforcement With Private Security Cameras

Law enforcement plays a central role in community safety.  A properly trained police and security force can spot suspicious behavior before it leads to a crime, gather evidence after a crime to find the guilty party, and enforce the laws of the...Read More

Security Cameras Can Keep Businesses And Schools Safe

Security Cameras Can Keep Businesses And Schools Safe

A robust security system is important for all kinds of businesses, schools, and other institutions.  Security is one of our basic needs as people, and without it we can become stressed, paranoid, and too preoccupied to deal with other important...Read More

4 Important Details A Good Security Camera Can Spot

4 Important Details A Good Security Camera Can Spot

Surveillance cameras are a useful part of any company’s security system, and almost every business with a physical location can benefit from installing at least one.  A camera gives you an extra set of eyes, plus a video recording can be...Read More

Understanding the Differences Between IP and CCTV Cameras

Understanding the Differences Between IP and CCTV Cameras

Many people already know about CCTV cameras − even if they haven't had any experience with them at all. They are made mention of in movies, and they are probably used at many businesses that you frequent.  While they may be a popular...Read More

Why Security Cameras are Your Best Witnesses

Why Security Cameras are Your Best Witnesses

If you own a home or business, then you are probably beginning to understand the importance of having a good security system installed to protect the property. With so many advancements in technology, you will find that there are many different...Read More

Waterproof Security Cameras Just Make Sense

Waterproof Security Cameras Just Make Sense

Security continues to be a concern for many homes and business owners in San Francisco, CA, and that’s with good reason. Crime is not something that every truly goes away, but it can be made more difficult to succeed at, or even...Read More

The Future Of Physical Security

The Future Of Physical Security

For the average small to medium sized San Francisco, CA business, high-tech physical security measures may seem somewhat out of reach. This is not due to a lack of vision, but due to costs of these advanced physical security measures, they’re...Read More

How AI Is Enhancing Security Technology

How AI Is Enhancing Security Technology

With the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI), or machine learning, technology is becoming more sophisticated. One technology AI will be of great benefit is in the security industry. AI will not only help identify events like current...Read More

You Can Improve The Security Of A Church

You Can Improve The Security Of A Church

Traditionally, churches, synagogues, temples, mosques and other places of worship in San Francisco, CA have been regarded as safe spaces; places of faith, and even sanctuary for those who need it. Sadly, in modern America, even places of worship are...Read More

5 Reasons You Should Get A Wireless Doorbell System

5 Reasons You Should Get A Wireless Doorbell System

If you live in a detached or semi-detached home in San Francisco, CA you probably already have a doorbell installed on your door. But how modern is your doorbell? How much convenience and even safety does it add to your home? For homes with older...Read More

How Facial Recognition Technology Works To Provide Security

How Facial Recognition Technology Works To Provide Security

As security technology advances in San Francisco, CA, biometric identification solutions are becoming more prevalent. One of the most technologically-advanced forms of biometrics is facial recognition technology (FRT). FRT analyzes the unique...Read More

Why You Need HD Security Cameras

Why You Need HD Security Cameras

When it comes to video cameras and the images and footages from them, you want to make sure to have the highest definition and level of clarity possible. The cameras job is to monitor the property, deter crime, and capture video footage. If that...Read More

Some Ins And Outs Of Outdoor Security Cameras

Some Ins And Outs Of Outdoor Security Cameras

Surveillance cameras play a vital role in securing the perimeter of homes, offices, schools, and more. In many instances, they are a property owner's first line of defense against thieves, vandals, and trespassers. The devices help employees,...Read More

The Smart City Movement and Security

The Smart City Movement and Security

Governments have begun to integrate data and technology in an attempt to bolster efficiency and response for citizens in San Francisco CA and other cities throughout the country. The Smart City movement is about enhancing these processes and...Read More

Why Use A Waterproof Security Camera?

Why Use A Waterproof Security Camera?

Security for the home or business in San Francisco, CA is always going to be a concern for prudent property owners. When you work hard, and own a home and/or business, you want to make sure that your investment is safe, and that the odds of theft or...Read More

Is IP Technology The Right Security Solution for Your Home or Business?

Is IP Technology The Right Security Solution for Your Home or Business?

Are IP technologies right for you in San Francisco, CA? These are a few of the reasons to consider the use of IP technologies which are available to you for online use today. Today it is neither too hard to get or too pricey; so consider these...Read More

How to Choose The Best Security Cameras For Your Business

How to Choose The Best Security Cameras For Your Business

The success of a business in San Francisco. CA depends on many factors, security being a major one. You need to protect it against several threats including malicious mischief, theft, and burglary. Installing business security cameras is the most...Read More

Evaluating Your Business Security Setup

Evaluating Your Business Security Setup

Running a business is something that requires a huge amount of work in San Francisco, CA. You can spend years planning and focusing on your business to make sure that it moves forward into the future that you have planned for it. But one thing that...Read More

Enjoy These Features With An Outdoor Wireless Security Camera

Enjoy These Features With An Outdoor Wireless Security Camera

Not all surveillance takes place indoors in San Francisco, CA. In fact, many properties need cameras outside to monitor and secure the premises. Of course, picking the right cam is easier said than done. There are many, many different kinds...Read More

How To Choose The Best IP Security Camera For Your Needs

How To Choose The Best IP Security Camera For Your Needs

Internet protocol (IP) video cameras are a fantastic option for both home and office security needs in San Francisco, CA. IP cameras are state-of-the-art and higher quality than standard analog video cameras. They can be accessed remotely,...Read More

How New Wireless Technology Can Protect Your Home

How New Wireless Technology Can Protect Your Home

Wireless security technology has really advanced in recent years offering new products and ways to protect your home. If you’ve never owned a security system or are looking to upgrade your current system, wireless technologies offer a range of...Read More

Five Key Considerations When Deciding Which Camera Is Right For Your Security System

Five Key Considerations When Deciding Which Camera Is Right For Your Security System

There are so many incredible surveillance system options on the market in San Francisco, CA. When you are ready to have more security on your premises, there are a lot of factors to consider. Finding the right IP camera depends on your security...Read More

Are Large Format, High Definition Flat Screens Right For Your Security System?

Are Large Format, High Definition Flat Screens Right For Your Security System?

If you are looking for the best surveillance system in San Francisco, CA, you may be tempted to buy a 42” high definition screen to monitor your premises. This is especially true if you are displaying your monitor in public and want people to...Read More

Can Your Security Camera System Record And Play Footage?

Can Your Security Camera System Record And Play Footage?

So you have a security system in San Francisco, CA, and that system includes several video cameras in strategic locations.  You may have someone monitoring them at all times, although with a modern system you can do so remotely with the right...Read More

All What You Need to Know About How Security Cameras Work

All What You Need to Know About How Security Cameras Work

Security cameras are an integral part of a home or business in San Francisco, CA. They not only help you to catch burglars, but they actually help to stop criminals before they become intruders. Security cameras help to deter would-be-intruders...Read More

Could Your Fingerprint Be Stolen with a Simple Photo?

Could Your Fingerprint Be Stolen with a Simple Photo?

Lately, there has been news circulating online regarding the possibility of duplicating fingerprints by simply taking a photograph using a mobile device-- even if it's a few meters away. There are some in San Francisco CA who believe that this is...Read More

Multi-Sensor Security Cameras: The PTZ Camera Killer

Multi-Sensor Security Cameras: The PTZ Camera Killer

Pan- Tilt-Zoom cameras were once the most preferred security cameras in San Francisco, CA due to their ability to maximize the coverage of surveillance. They reduced the number of cameras needed by enabling you to easily adjust the field of view as...Read More

Active RFID vs. Passive RFID

Active RFID vs. Passive RFID

When you're shopping for security products in San Francisco, CA, you may notice that some products are advertised as containing "active RFID" technology, whereas other products claim to utilize "passive RFID" technology. In order to make an informed...Read More

Top 5 Reasons Why You Need an IP Camera System

Top 5 Reasons Why You Need an IP Camera System

The importantance of security cameras in San Francisco, CA can be under emphasized. You need to make sure that the security system is in the best condition possible. Updating your system in regard to the current advancement in technology is...Read More

Tips To Improve Fisheye Cameras Surveillance Performance

Tips To Improve Fisheye Cameras Surveillance Performance

The fisheye camera is a great choice for security surveillance in San Francisco, CA but you must install them properly. When placed and configured properly, these cameras will ensure comprehensive coverage of your San Francisco business, home or...Read More

Wide Dynamic Range Feature in Security Cameras

Wide Dynamic Range Feature in Security Cameras

Wide Dynamic Range (WDR) is a feature that has been heavily employed in the San Francisco, CA video surveillance industry, and its main work is to boost resolutions of images recorded by security cameras. WDR can be explained as the camera's ability...Read More

Top 5 Security Camera System Features

Top 5 Security Camera System Features

It is indisputable that video security technology in San Francisco, CA has changed drastically and improved over the last two decades. One thing has been changed significantly are the features. If you are going for a security camera shopping today,...Read More

Benefits of Connecting Your Security Cameras to Your Smartphone

Benefits of Connecting Your Security Cameras to Your Smartphone

With the advancement in technology, security in San Francisco, CA is one of the areas that have been impacted significantly by the technology. From having some to man the entrance to installing surveillance cameras, our homes and businesses are...Read More

Which Camera Is Right For You?

Which Camera Is Right For You?

The options when it comes to video surveillance systems in San Francisco, CA are wider and more varied than ever before. It was not so very long ago when security cameras were big, bulky items that were either easily spotted in the corner of a room...Read More

The Benefits of Moving From Analog to IP Video Surveillance Systems

The Benefits of Moving From Analog to IP Video Surveillance Systems

Image Resolution IP video surveillance cameras in San Francisco, CA represent a tectonic shift in technology as all analog video cameras run along the NTSC analog video standards, developed way back in the 1950's. The main difference in image...Read More

All You Need to Know About Motion Detection in Surveillance Systems

All You Need to Know About Motion Detection in Surveillance Systems

Motion detection in camera systems is quite different from motion detection in alarm systems. For an alarm system to detect motion, a passive infrared (PIR) sensor sends a beam into an area. When the beam is broken, the sensor identifies the motion....Read More

What is an IP Network Camera?

What is an IP Network Camera?

An IP Network Camera is a video camera that uses all digital video technology, and can be followed over the Internet. IP network cameras let you know what is going on in your San Francisco, CA home or business. You can even use "smart camera"...Read More

Wide Coverage: Problems and Solutions for Securing Large Areas

Wide Coverage: Problems and Solutions for Securing Large Areas

Let's look at three main wide coverage options for San Francisco, CA, as well as peripheral devices and physical measures that can be undertaken to enhance each of these. 1. Megapixel Imaging A long-held desire of surveillance users in San...Read More

6 Benefits of HDcctv

6 Benefits of HDcctv

HDcctv technology provides many benefits when it comes to video surveillance and security applications San Francisco, CA. While it's still a relatively new technology, it's becoming the technology of choice for the security industry San Francisco,...Read More

Why Security-Grade Monitors Matter for Surveillance

Why Security-Grade Monitors Matter for Surveillance

Whether at home or work in San Francisco, CA, quality matters when it comes to security and monitoring equipment. Professional/security grade is truly superior to standard display systems. Cheaper monitors can quickly burn out, especially with...Read More

The Simplicity Of Portable Surveillance

The Simplicity Of Portable Surveillance

Surveillance systems are always a great investment for any home or business.  However, the installation process may seem long and stressful.  There are many complexities involved and making sure everything works well and in sync takes...Read More

Webcam Surveillance Systems

Webcam Surveillance Systems

If you have made the decision to set up home surveillance in San Francisco CA inside and out, you then need to decide how you will view and save the images. If you use a Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) system, with cameras connected to a central...Read More

Benefits of Wireless Surveillance Systems Over Wired

Benefits of Wireless Surveillance Systems Over Wired

Considering that the last few years or so, the number and amount of crimes hitting homes have become an immense worry up to now. No doubt many people are taking into account setting up a security system for their properties. Other people have...Read More

Lighting for Internet CCTV Cameras

Lighting for Internet CCTV Cameras

Wireless internet CCTV cameras, also known as wireless IP cameras, are the digital replacement for traditional analogue CCTV. Unlike their obsolete analogue cousins, most modern wireless internet CCTV cameras have a reasonable capability to produce...Read More

Adding PIR Sensors to Internet CCTV

Adding PIR Sensors to Internet CCTV

The new breed of CCTV cameras known as wireless internet CCTV cameras or IP cameras is totally digital, more like a computer than a traditional camera.  This new type of camera detects changes in the digital image that its sensor...Read More

Accessories for Camera Surveillance

Accessories for Camera Surveillance

If you have camera surveillance to help protect your home in San Francisco, CA, it is important to have the proper accessories to ensure that everything works in tip-top shape. When you have a good surveillance system, it is more than just cameras...Read More

Four Tips To Secure Your Smart Devices

Four Tips To Secure Your Smart Devices

We have all read scary news stories about hackers attacking smart devices. We have also seen the news report about someone hacking into a smart baby monitor to harass and torment a family. As a result, a lot of us are now wary of bringing smart...Read More

7 Security Systems You Need For Your Apartment

7 Security Systems You Need For Your Apartment

If you live in an apartment, regardless of its size and the building’s security, you still need to take a proactive approach in protecting your unit at all times. That includes investing in the right security devices that can make you feel...Read More

Five Ways Use Your Doorbell Camera

Five Ways Use Your Doorbell Camera

Doorbell cameras are becoming very popular among San Francisco homeowners and for good reason. Doorbell cameras are affordable, help protect your family, and monitor the comings and goings at your home. If you are thinking about installing a...Read More

Security Camera Systems And Strong Summer Storms

Security Camera Systems And Strong Summer Storms

Throughout CA, thunderstorms get stronger and occur more frequently in the summer months. You may count on your security camera system to keep your home in San Francisco, CA safe by deterring crime and capturing evidence, but it may protect your...Read More

Ways Supermarkets Can Benefit From Having Security Cameras

Ways Supermarkets Can Benefit From Having Security Cameras

There are plenty of supermarkets right here in San Francisco. Some of them are big, while others are small. Consumers can pick and choose among them when they need to purchase necessities. Therefore, owners of the establishments must think outside...Read More

Security Cameras Help You To Feel Better In Your Home

Security Cameras Help You To Feel Better In Your Home

Americans are seriously stressed out. Whether in San Francisco, CA or anywhere in the United States, individuals are feeling the pressure from their jobs, their families, and their broad range of life obligations. When they come home, they should...Read More

3 Places Where Surveillance Cameras Can Be Beneficial

3 Places Where Surveillance Cameras Can Be Beneficial

Surveillance cameras are useful tools that deter burglars, trespassers, and more. They don't always stop every crime, but they can capture the events that unfold when they fail to do so. Police officers can then review the video footage, which will...Read More

Is Surveillance Equipment Helpful In A Plumbing Company Setting?

Is Surveillance Equipment Helpful In A Plumbing Company Setting?

There are plenty of plumbers all across the United States, including right here in San Francisco. Some of the organizations are mom and pop type shops, where individuals work out of their homes. Meanwhile, many others are huge outfits with numerous...Read More

Healthcare Facilities Have Specific Security Needs

Healthcare Facilities Have Specific Security Needs

Healthcare facilities in San Francisco, CA run the gamut of different needs for Americans. Some facilities are large complexes, like hospitals. Others are smaller clinics, serving neighborhoods, while others are pharmacies that provide the...Read More

The Pros And Cons Of School Resource Officers

The Pros And Cons Of School Resource Officers

School resource officers in San Francisco, CA, often SROs for short, are trained law enforcement agents that serve designated schools. These representatives are usually members of the local police department, state police, or county sheriff. They...Read More

How Gunshot Detection Technology Can Keep Us Safe

How Gunshot Detection Technology Can Keep Us Safe

According to the Gun Violence Archive, since 2015 there have been more than 300 mass shootings every year across the United States. Add to that, according to the CDC, there is an average of 34,000 gun deaths every year and these numbers are steadily...Read More

Do You Need A Bullet Camera?

Do You Need A Bullet Camera?

Some home or business owners in San Francisco, CA may be thinking about investing in a security camera system. This is always a very wise investment and can act as a great deterrence for crime to even occur on your property. However,...Read More

Security Cameras Have Many Uses

Security Cameras Have Many Uses

Security cameras can be an essential piece of equipment for any home or business in San Francisco, CA. They can provide an essential piece of deterrence on your property, as many thieves will think twice about intruding on any place where their...Read More

Optimize Security For Multiple Locations

Optimize Security For Multiple Locations

If you’re fortunate enough to have a growing business in San Francisco, CA, then you may have multiple sites as a part of your business to manage. While it’s tough enough to efficiently run the day to day operations in a coordinated...Read More

Wireless CCTV: Connecting a Burglar Alarm System, Part 2

Wireless CCTV: Connecting a Burglar Alarm System, Part 2

In part one of this series about integrating wireless internet CCTV cameras and home security systems we described the equipment that you need to add internet viewing and text message alerts to existing home security systems.  Here in part two,...Read More

Wireless CCTV: Connecting a Burglar Alarm System, Part 1

Wireless CCTV: Connecting a Burglar Alarm System, Part 1

Wireless CCTV cameras or IP cameras are the digital replacement for traditional CCTV, but the technology is sophisticated and there is a lot more you can do other than looking at your home or business from across the internet.  For example, you...Read More

Use Your Camera to Switch a Light On Part: 2

Use Your Camera to Switch a Light On Part: 2

Wireless CCTV cameras are not just ordinary CCTV cameras. You can view your property from anywhere in the world. More than this, with a small amount of work and for very little money you can use your camera to switch a light on and off, from...Read More

Use your Camera to Switch a Light On: Part 1

Use your Camera to Switch a Light On: Part 1

Wireless CCTV cameras let you see your home or business from anywhere, using the internet, which is amazing enough. Imagine, though, that you log in to take a look at your property and you can’t see the view because the room is too dark. If...Read More

The Healthcare Industrys New Normal Mitigating Covid19 Challenges to Achieve a Safer Workplace

The Healthcare Industrys New Normal Mitigating Covid19 Challenges to Achieve a Safer Workplace

As medical facilities learn to operate in the "new normal" and other healthcare-related businesses prepare to re-open, they all face the unique challenge of providing a safe and healthy environment for customers and employees. CDC guidelines...Read More

Real Life Security Cameras

Real Life Security Cameras

Anyone who has ever watched a crime drama on television is likely to have a lot of questions about video surveillance cameras in San Francisco, CA, which are often used to help the heroes solve crimes. There are, however, a lot of myths out there...Read More

Choosing The Best Camera For Your Security System

Choosing The Best Camera For Your Security System

As useful as security cameras can be in San Francisco, CA when it comes to preventing crimes or catching guilty individuals, a security system really won't be of much use in all if the right cameras are not in place. Unfortunately, choosing the...Read More